I've been working a few weeks now on getting a post out about the
amazing time I had on this summer's Justice Ride, but I'm still working on a
few rough ends. For the mean time though, I just really needed to say the
following to a larger audience than myself.
I still cry at the abortion pictures.
There I said it. It's not some big secret, but often times when I am out there during the day I put on the brave face, I get into my outraged mood of "why does nobody care about this?" and I try to talk to people, to point at the pictures and try my best to get them to look.
But I still cry as I sort through the pictures to see if I can find some pictures of students doing outreach to put on a missions letter.
I hate waking up every morning knowing that even though I'm unemployed that I find it impossible to get a "normal" job. I was talking to one of my very dearest friends today and I'm afraid he got quite the earful at lunch. I was lamenting about the fact that I almost wish I could go back and not know about any of this, that I wonder what kind of life I would be leading if I hadn't walked into that first sidewalk counseling training session at Liberty University back in February of 2010.
I have been reading about Dietrich Bonhoeffer lately and I am made to feel bolder in my convictions by seeing the convictions he held about what was happening to the Jews leading up to and during the holocaust.
I still cry at the abortion pictures.
There I said it. It's not some big secret, but often times when I am out there during the day I put on the brave face, I get into my outraged mood of "why does nobody care about this?" and I try to talk to people, to point at the pictures and try my best to get them to look.
But I still cry as I sort through the pictures to see if I can find some pictures of students doing outreach to put on a missions letter.
I hate waking up every morning knowing that even though I'm unemployed that I find it impossible to get a "normal" job. I was talking to one of my very dearest friends today and I'm afraid he got quite the earful at lunch. I was lamenting about the fact that I almost wish I could go back and not know about any of this, that I wonder what kind of life I would be leading if I hadn't walked into that first sidewalk counseling training session at Liberty University back in February of 2010.
I have been reading about Dietrich Bonhoeffer lately and I am made to feel bolder in my convictions by seeing the convictions he held about what was happening to the Jews leading up to and during the holocaust.
He was bold and reckless (from what I've
read so far) and confronted so many professing Christians who crossed his
path. I want to be this person!!! But I am afraid I waiver when I have
already just in part tasted the consequences of being that person.
I've lost friendships over discussions on birth control and have had people yell at me for asking them if they would have 'stepped up to talk about or stand in the way of the mass slaughter of the Jews'.
So I maybe have slowed down where instead I should be speeding up.
Right now I'm writing a fundraising (and prayer raising) letter (PS I hate asking for money) and trying my best to communicate this mission that I feel burning in my heart. I hope to finish this without too many more tears, but honestly I wish I could share my tears with you!
I wish I could share the burden on my heart. I wish I could show you the women and men I have seen on the streets who have told me that abortion was what kicked off a long list of bad things for them. I wish I could show you the joy in that faces of those men and women when I tell them that through Christ we find forgiveness. I wish I could show you how when the innocent children pass by our graphic images they point and say "look mom, it's a baby".
But most of all, I wish that every Christian would cry over the fact that we have done so little to end abortion. That we as Christ's followers have said so many times that the pro-life thing just 'isn't our ministry' we are called to.
So if you're reading this do me a favor. Take one minute (that's 60 seconds) and ask God to break your heart for that babies that are dying every day (approx. 3,500 just in the U.S. every day). Many Christians would say that they wouldn't equate themselves to the German Christians who ignored the Jews being killed during the holocaust. But if we truly believe that life begins at conception and that abortion ends it then how are we any different if we do nothing about it?
I hope reading this gives you strength. The strength to become active against the culture which tells you that ‘this just isn’t your area of ministry’. The strength to devote even an hour of your week to helping these children being carried off to the slaughter.
I've lost friendships over discussions on birth control and have had people yell at me for asking them if they would have 'stepped up to talk about or stand in the way of the mass slaughter of the Jews'.
So I maybe have slowed down where instead I should be speeding up.
Right now I'm writing a fundraising (and prayer raising) letter (PS I hate asking for money) and trying my best to communicate this mission that I feel burning in my heart. I hope to finish this without too many more tears, but honestly I wish I could share my tears with you!
I wish I could share the burden on my heart. I wish I could show you the women and men I have seen on the streets who have told me that abortion was what kicked off a long list of bad things for them. I wish I could show you the joy in that faces of those men and women when I tell them that through Christ we find forgiveness. I wish I could show you how when the innocent children pass by our graphic images they point and say "look mom, it's a baby".
But most of all, I wish that every Christian would cry over the fact that we have done so little to end abortion. That we as Christ's followers have said so many times that the pro-life thing just 'isn't our ministry' we are called to.
So if you're reading this do me a favor. Take one minute (that's 60 seconds) and ask God to break your heart for that babies that are dying every day (approx. 3,500 just in the U.S. every day). Many Christians would say that they wouldn't equate themselves to the German Christians who ignored the Jews being killed during the holocaust. But if we truly believe that life begins at conception and that abortion ends it then how are we any different if we do nothing about it?
I hope reading this gives you strength. The strength to become active against the culture which tells you that ‘this just isn’t your area of ministry’. The strength to devote even an hour of your week to helping these children being carried off to the slaughter.
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Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Prv. 31:8 |