So I finally gave in and took a u-turn in my car to go back to the accident. I pulled up behind it and got out of my car and saw that the car that was badly banged up was a lot like my accident over a year ago. I saw Suon Chang walking back to her car and got her to sit down in my back seat and did a few memory and tests to make sure she didn't seem to be too hurt from the crash. I then was able to pray with her and give her some water while we waited for the police to show up.
The policeman showed up and told me I could go, so I asked Suon Chang if she wanted me to stay until her husband got there and she said yes. We didn't talk too much because she didn't speak a lot of English but I could tell just her having someone there meant a lot.
Her husband got there and they both thanked me far more than I deserved and I got back in my car and made my way to work.
Over the course of the day I've come to several realizations, here are a few:
1. I don't understand at all why women want so badly to be equal with men, that is to say why they want the same roles as men. God has created us females with such amazing qualities that men don't have and I believe this qualities are truly to be valued and nurtured. I know that God has given me that ability to be nurturing and I wouldn't trade that for any qualities that are more specific to men.
2. Sometimes we are just meant to plant a seed. I felt that way when I prayed with Suon Chang, I did not think my call was to preach the gospel to her at that moment but I prayer with her knowing that could be the seed that needed to be planted (did you know if takes a person an average of hearing the gospel 7 times before they will respond to it?).
3. So often we as Christians will look at a tragedy and think to ourselves how awful it is but we think to ourselves "well that's not really my problem" or the ever popular "that may be your area of ministry but God hasn't called me to that". I myself had thought to myself "oh somebody else will stop". We are called to be like Christ but I fail to see a time when Christ used either of these phrases. Not one other person stopped during the 15 minutes or more we were waiting for the police man. I have come to the realization we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ and that means denying ourselves and sometimes even getting to work late.
So some actions steps for you, dear reader because I love action steps (I mean why take the time to read this if you aren't going to challenge yourselves with the new knowledge you have gained?).
1. Whether you are male or female learn to embrace that role which God has so greatly gifted you with and embrace those wonderful qualities that are unique to you.
2. Pray with people, don't be afraid to ask "can I pray for you right now?". Odds are that that person will not feel uncomfortable but rather so loved by the fact that you want to pray for them and for their needs.
3. Be the hands and feet of Christ, always. Start by challenging yourself one day at a time. If can be something as simple as writing a letter to someone who is in prison during the holiday (Write to Mary Wagner a pro-life hero imprisoned for her work), stopping to buy someone who is homeless a meal (I don't suggest giving money), buying life saving gifts for those who are needy around the world (World Vision gifts).
But whatever you do stop passing by those who God is tugging on your heart to help. I deeply regret my disobedience by first passing by that accident this morning. I could feel God tugging on my heart to stop, but I kept on going until I could not ignore that which Christ has called us to do.
So go out there and be His hands and feet!